YMCA Wirral Hostel Accommodation
Our main site hostel offers a two-tier supported accommodation:
- Higher level supported housing services
- Semi-Independent – medium supported housing services
Each of the four floors of the residential block of the YMCA building houses 14 rooms which include, one specially adapted room for less-able persons, with eight units of higher level supported accommodation and a separate cluster of five bedrooms built around a communal dining room and kitchen for semi-independent clients. All 56 en suite-bedrooms are well furnished, bright and airy, having been carefully developed and modelled on modern day student accommodation that provides a relaxing comfortable personal environment and if necessary, study space.
Over the last decade YMCAW has progressively introduced new customer focused life-skills programmes that form an integral part of its Supported Housing services, which combined stability and progress in a person’s life-journey.
A person arriving at the YMCA is assessed and once settled into accommodation linked into a dedicated Housing Key-worker, who will work with them in mapping out their needs and support requirements. Any barriers to them progressing towards independent living will be identified and worked on to ensure that the individual is able to successfully gain a safe and secure future free from homelessness.
The key-worker develops a Support Plan that is personalised to meet the individual’s needs and focuses on the following core areas:
- Health & Wellbeing
- Education
- Employability Skills
- Life Skills
- Suitability to secure a future tenancy for own accommodation
Within these areas any elements of social barriers such as dependency, mental health, anti-social behaviour or disability are assessed and action taken to address these by way of internal key-work or specialised support providers. This action planning is a two-way process between the client and the Key-worker and relies upon the building of an excellent professional relationship. Programmes and activities are devised to meet each individuals personal need and a progression plan (Outcomes Star) is plotted and regularly updated to highlight the identified life goals that have been achieved.