YMCA Wirral offers supported accommodation for up to 56 homeless people, male and female aged from 16 years to no age limit.  Admission is via self referral or referral from agencies, groups, or third parties.  The only exception to admission is anyone who is presenting a Schedule One Offence or Category A Offending Background where in particular, exceptional violent behaviour has been a continued trait in an individual.

Once admitted, residents are positively engaged into activities that address the following:

  • Well being
  • Life Skills
  • Education
  • Work Skills
  • Employment
  • Move on

Varied And Dynamic Activities

During an individual’s stay, there may be many varied and dynamic activities that take people to places that they have never been before, such as open water diving, power boat experiences, outdoor pursuits in national adventure outposts and may even lead to trips abroad supporting the needs of those in developing countries.

The Support Team

Controlled Drinking Environment