Controlled Drinking Environment

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One of our facilities at the YMCA Wirral is a Controlled Drinking Environment, (CDE) which is all about keeping people safe and trying to cut down residents alcohol intake. In 2017, the Office for National Statistics recorded that over half of all deaths amongst homeless people in England and Wales were related to drug poisoning,…

Assertive Outreach Announcement

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Heather Hawthorn & Alya Hassan, Assertive OUtreach Workers

Wirral’s YMCA has been serving the community for 145 years and are excited to announce a brand-new initiative – ASSERTIVE OUTREACH, which is taking a proactive approach towards the borough’s homelessness crisis. Funded by the Ministry of Housing, communities and Local Government (MHCLG), the bid was written by Wirral Council and awarded to YMCA Wirral for service…